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About Indian Fisheries

Indian fisheries and aquaculture is an important sector of food production providing nutritional security, besides livelihood support and gainful employment to more than 14 million people, and contributing to agricultural exports. With diverse resources ranging from deep seas to lakes in the mountains and more than 10% of the global biodiversity in terms of fish and shellfish species, the country has shown continuous and sustained increments in fish production since independence. The total fish production during 2017-18 is estimated to be 12.60 million metric tonnes, of which nearly 65% is from inland sector and about 50% of the total production is from culture fisheries, and constitutes about 6.3% of the global fish production.

Paradigm shifts in terms of increasing contributions from inland sector and further from aquaculture have been significant over the years.With high growth rates, the different facets, viz., marine fisheries, coastal aquaculture, inland fisheries, freshwater aquaculture, and coldwater fisheries are contributing to the food basket, health, economy, exports, employment and tourism of the country.

More than 50 different types of fish and shellfish products are being exported to 75 countries around the world. Fish and fish products have presently emerged as the largest group in agricultural exports from India, with 13.77 lakh tonnes in terms of quantity and Rs. 45,106.89 crore in value. This accounts for around 10% of the total exports and nearly 20% of the agricultural exports, and contribute to about 0.91% of the GDP and 5.23% to the
Ag - GVA of the country.

With over 2.4 lakh fishing crafts operating along the coast, 7 major fishing harbours, 75 minor fishing harbours and 1,537 landing centres are functioning to cater to the needs of over 4.0 million fisher folk. For promoting aquaculture, 429 Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDAs) and 39 Brackishwater Fish Farms Development Agencies (BFDAs) were established in the country. The annual carp seed production is to the tune of 40 billion fry and that of shrimp is about 54 billion PLs, with increasing species diversification in the recent past.Besides large-scale freshwater food fish culture, ornamental fish culture and high value marine fish farming are gaining importance in the recent past.

Indian Fisheries
 Global position 3rd in Fisheries
2nd in Aquaculture
 Contribution of Fisheries to GDP (%) 0.91
 Contribution to Agril. GDP (%)
 Per capita fish availability (Kg.) 9.0
 Annual Export earnings (Rs. In Crore) 45,106.89
 Employment in sector (million) 14.0

 Coastline 8118 kms
 Exclusive Economic Zone 2.02 million sq. km
 Continental Shelf
0.530 million sq. km
 Rivers and Canals 1,95,210 km
 Reservoirs 3.150 million ha
 Ponds and Tanks 2.414 million ha
 Flood Plains lakes and derelict waters 0.798 million ha
 Brackishwaters 1.240 million ha
 Estuaries 0.290 million ha

Some Facts
 Present fish Production (Capture) 7.0 mmt
 Inland 3.2 mmt
3.8 mmt
 Potential fish production 8.4 mmt
 Fish seed production 40,000 million fry
 Hatcheries 1,604 units
 FFDA 429
 BFDA 39